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Privacy Policy


With this Privacy Policy we would like to inform you about the way we collect your personal data, the purposes and features of our processing, but also about your rights and the choices you can make regarding the use and protection of your data.

At GoLearn we take the responsibility to process and protect your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and, in particular, in accordance with Regulation EU/ 679/2016 and Law 4624/2019, as applicable.

What categories of data do we collect? may process the following categories of your personal data:

  • personal information: name, surname, gender, date of birth, nationality
  • contact details: phone number, email address
  • payment details: details of your credit or debit card
  • any kind of personal data you choose to share with us in order to better serve you

How we collect your data collects your personal data directly from you:

  • from the express of interest you make in our training programs
  • from your participation in competitions and draws that we organise

Under no circumstances do we collect or process your personal data that has not been provided with your consent.

Why we collect your data

We use your personal data for the fulfillment of the following set purposes only:

  • to achieve secure communication.
  • for informational, research or advertising purposes only if we have obtained your consent. informs the visitors who have given the relevant consent regarding seminars, and educational events it offers as well as other the promotion of products and services.
  • to comply with obligations imposed on us by law, Judicial or Supervisory Authorities

We retain your data for as long as is required to fulfill the above purposes and, in any case, until you withdraw your consent or object to the processing.

Measures and guarantees to protect the security of your data

We are upgrading our policies to comply with the new data protection legal environment. We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data that are being processed.

We prevent unauthorized access to your data, and all members of our staff are bound by confidentiality to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data.

We do not disclose or transfer your information to third parties other than our staff members. Exceptionally, we may disclose your information to a Judicial or Supervisory Authority as part of our compliance with an obligation imposed on us by law or a court or administrative decision.

We are not responsible for the terms of processing of personal data of other websites, to which our website refers through links.


You have the following rights in relation to your personal data that we process: You can:

  • revoke at any time your consent to the use of your data for advertising or informational or any other purpose
  • request information about the type of processing that your data undergoes from us and access it
  • request that we correct or update your data in case it is inaccurate or incomplete
  • request the complete and final deletion of your data from our files
  • request a restriction on the processing of your data, provided that the conditions set by the relevant legislation are met
  • request a copy of all or part of your data

We promise to satisfy your requests free of charge as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 days since their submission. This deadline can be extended for 60 days, depending on the complexity and number of requests.

We inform you that you can also address your complaints and concerns regarding the use and protection of your personal data to the competent Personal Data Protection Authority, by sending an email to


To exercise your above rights, to express any question or complaint, but also to evaluate our Protection Policy, you can contact, or send us your requests by mail to our address.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Protection Policy may be modified in the future. Any changes or additions to it will be posted on our website, so that you are always informed about how we process and protect your data. No modification of our policy will take effect prior to your information.