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The Terms of Use include the terms with which we make our Website and Services available to you. The Terms of Use are fully harmonized with the terms and principles of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. Use of our Services is also subject to the Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy, which covers the way we collect, use, share and store your personal information. If you do not agree, you must not use the services and their content, otherwise with the use of the services it is considered that you accept and fully consent with them.

The following were agreed between the website, hereinafter referred to as “The Website” and each user of the website, hereinafter referred to as “The User”:


The website provides information services for seminars and training programs which it carries out or hosts.

Where in the present text the Website is mentioned, by this term is meant any other similar website that leads to the exact same content as the website

1. The user relationship with the Website

1.1 The visitor can register in the list of members of the Website, having previously accepted the applicable terms and conditions of use of this Website. The use of the products, software, services and websites of the Website (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Services”) is subject to the terms and conditions of use of the Website.

1.2 The Website is merely a provider of information and advertising for the training programs offered by goLearn. It facilitates the visitor to search for these training programs and to register.

1.3 These Terms and Conditions of Use are valid and binding on all ordinary visitors of the Website, who have not acquired the status of a member of the Website, with the exception of those terms and conditions of use that are specific to members of the Website.

2. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use

2.1 In order to use the Services, you must first agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use. You may not use the Services unless you unconditionally accept the Terms and Conditions of Use.

2.2 You may accept the Terms and Conditions of Use:

(A) by clicking “accept” or “agree” to the Terms and Conditions of Use, wherever you are provided with this option by the Website in the user interface / communication interface for any Service, or

(B) actually using the Services (de facto acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use). In this case, you understand and agree that the Website will henceforth consider your use of the Services as an automatic and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use.

(C) When expressing your interest in a training program on the registration form.

2.3 You may not use the Services and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use if you are a minor or a person with limited legal aid.

2.4 Before proceeding, you must print or save a copy of these Terms and Conditions of Use for your records.

3. Language of Terms

3.1 Where you are provided with a translation of the English version of the Terms and Conditions of Use, you agree that the translation is provided for your convenience only and that the Greek language version of the Terms and Conditions of Use will govern your relationship with the Website.

3.2 In case of discrepancy between the publication of the Terms and Conditions of Use in the Greek language and the translation, the terms of the Greek version shall prevail.

4. Provision of Services by the Website

4.1 The services provided by the Website are exclusively for the information of the users and for the facilitation of the communication between them. Although the Website has made every effort to ensure that the information is true and accurate, it is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information, nor for the actions of its members-users.

4.2 The Website provides its services through third parties, partner companies and associates. The parties accept and agree that in certain cases, the above will provide the Services on behalf of the Website.

4.3 The Website is constantly innovating in order to offer the best possible experience to its users. The parties accept and agree that the type and nature of the Services provided by the Website may be modified or even discontinued without prior notice to users.

4.4 In the context of the above ongoing innovation, the parties accept and agree that the Website may discontinue (permanently or temporarily) the provision of the Services (or any details of the Services) to any user at its sole discretion without prior notice to them. The user has the right to stop using the Services at any time and is not obliged to specifically inform the Website when they stop using the Services.

4.5 The parties acknowledge and agree that if the Website denies access to a user’s account, the user may not be allowed access to the Services, their account information or any files or other content contained in their account.

4.6 The Parties acknowledge and agree that although the Website may not currently have a predetermined limit on the number of transmissions you can receive or send through the Services or the content of the storage space provided by any Service, such the above predefined limits may be set unilaterally by the Website at any time, at the discretion of the Website.

5. Use of the Services by the users

5.1 In order to access certain Services, the User may be requested personal information (such as identity or contact details) as part of the registration process for the Service, or as part of the continued use of the Services by the user. The parties accept and agree that any registration information provided on the Website will always be accurate, correct and up to date.

5.2 The use of the Services of the Website is permitted only for purposes permitted by law.

5.3 The parties accept and agree that the User may not enter, nor attempt to accesses any of the Services by any means other than the interface/ communication environment provided by the Website, unless specifically authorized by a particular user under a separate agreement with the Website.

5.4 The User accepts that they will not engage in any activity that interferes with the Services or disrupts the Services or the servers and networks connected to the Services.

5.5 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the parties accept and agree that they will not reproduce, reproduce, copy, sell, market or resell the Services for any purpose.

5.6 The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible (and that the Website bears no responsibility to the User or any third party) for any breach of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions of Use and the consequences of any such breach, including any breach or which the Website or a third party may suffer.

6. Passwords and account security

6.1 The User accepts and understands that they are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the passwords associated with any account, which they use to access the Services.

6.2 Accordingly, the User agrees and accepts that they are solely responsible to the Website and to any third party for any activity that takes place through their account.

6.3 In the event that the User notices any unauthorized use of their own password or account, they agree to immediately notify the Website at

7. Protection of privacy and personal data

7.1 Regarding the data protection practices of the Website, when it handles your personal information and for the protection of your privacy, when you use the Services, the Website complies with what the law provides and what is specifically mentioned in these Terms and Terms of Use.

7.2 The personal data collected in the context of the operation of are used exclusively for the purposes of secure and smooth communication and interconnection between users. Their contents are kept confidential and shall not be transmitted or disclosed to third parties, except where the transmission or notification is required by explicit provision of law. The collection and processing of personal data collected in the context of the operation of is subject to Law 2472/1997 “for the protection of the individual from the processing of personal data” and Law 2774/1999 “for the protection of personal data in the telecommunications sector “, as in force. The user / visitor has all the rights deriving from the above-mentioned laws such as the rights of access, correction and deletion. We are not responsible for the terms of collection and processing of personal data applicable to other websites, to which our own website refers in the form of links.

7.3 By accepting these Terms and Conditions of Use you agree to the use of your data in accordance with the privacy policies of the Website.

7.4 The user accepts that and the corporate entity to which it belongs, will be able to use its data to promote educational content of similar content, events and only!

7.5. The receipt, processing and retention of your data given exclusively in the context of communication or through your participation in contests or draws is done to meet the sole purpose of informing you about our products and services. All your data is kept only for this the purpose and are processed only by the marketing department of the Organizers.

7.6 Data Retention Time: In order to fulfill your information about our products and services, we consider it a reasonable and necessary retention time of your relevant data for a period of ten (5) years. After the expiration of ten (10) years from the time of receipt of your consent, the relevant data will be deleted unless your consent is provided again under the above conditions.

8. Content of the Services

8.1 You understand and agree that all information (such as data files, written text, computer software, music files, audio files or other sounds, photos, videos or other images) that you may access as part of the Services or through your use of the Services, are the sole responsibility of the person from whom the above content originates and not of the Website. All of the above information is referred to below as the “Content”.

8.2 Content presented to you as part of the Services, including indicative ads on the Services and Content of sponsors within the Services may be protected by copyright or proprietary rights of the sponsors or advertisers, who provide the above Content on the Website or owned by other persons or companies on their behalf. Modification, rental, lending, sale, distribution or creation of derivative works based on the above Content (in whole or in part) is not permitted unless specifically permitted by the beneficiary by separate agreement.

8.3 The Website reserves the right, but has no obligation, to proactively check, review, mark, filter, modify, deny or remove Content from any Service. For some of the Services, the Website may use tools to filter content that does not meet the purposes of this Website.

8.4 The User understands that by using the Services they may be exposed to Content which they might consider offensive, indecent or reprehensible and that, in this respect, they use the Services at their own risk, excluding any responsibility of the administrators of the Website.

8.5 The User agrees that they are solely responsible (and that the Website has no responsibility to them or any third party) for any Content which they create, transmit or promote during the use of the Services and for the consequences of the above acts, including any loss or damage the Website may suffer. However, in the event that the Website or its administrators are liable for the content that a User has posted or derived from it, then that User is liable to the Website and its administrators for any compensation they may be required to pay to any third party. because of this content.

8.6 The Website is entitled to use cookies for the recognition by the User of certain services and pages. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the computer of each user / visitor while browsing the Website.

9. Property Rights

9.1 The User accepts and agrees that the Website has every right, ownership and legal interest in the Services, including any intellectual and industrial property rights, which exist within the Services, whether or not these rights are granted, and in any legal order. and whether the above rights are protected. The User further acknowledges that the Services may contain information which has been classified as confidential or personal (such as telephone numbers) by the Website and that you will not disclose such information without the prior written consent of the Website.

9.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Website, none of the Terms entitles you to use any of its trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other distinctive features thereof. corporate identity of the Website.

9.3 The Website accepts and agrees that it does not acquire any rights, ownership or legal interest from you, or your licensors, under these Terms on any Content you submit, post, transmit or display on the Services, or through the Services, including any intellectual or industrial property right, which exists on the above Content, whether these rights are guaranteed or not, and in whatever legal order the above rights are protected. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Website, you agree that you are responsible for the protection and enforcement of the above rights and that the Website has no obligation to do so on your behalf.

9.4 The User agrees not to remove, hide or alter any proprietary notices, including copyright and proprietary notices (eg trademarks), which may be affixed or contained in the Services.

9.5 Unless expressly authorized in this regard by the Website, the User agrees that when using the Services, you will not use any trademarks, service marks, any trade names, logos of any company or organization in any way. which is likely to confuse the proprietor or authorized user of the above marks, brand names or logos, or is intended to confuse the proprietor or authorized user of the above marks, names or logos.

10. License from the Website

10.1 The Website grants to the User a personal, worldwide, non-obligatory to pay royalties, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the software provided by the Website, as part of the Services provided to the User by the Website (hereinafter referred to as “Software”). This license is provided for the sole purpose of facilitating the User in the use and enjoyment of the privilege of the Services as provided by the Website, in the manner permitted by the Terms.

10.2 The User is prohibited from copying, modifying, creating derivative work of the source code, to reverse engineer, decompile it or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the Software or any part thereof is expressly permitted or required by law, or unless this has been authorized in writing by the Website.

10.3 Unless permitted in writing by the Website, the User is not allowed to assign the rights to use the Software (or to grant a sub-license to use them), to grant guarantees by assigning the rights to use the Software, or to transfer otherwise any part of the rights to use the Software.

11. Content license from the User

11.1 The User reserves the copyright, industrial property rights and any other rights they already hold over the Content which the submit, send or promote through the Services. By submitting or promoting the Content, they grant the Website a continuous, irrevocable, worldwide, non-obligatory, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, execute or publicly distribute and distribute any Content the User submits, sends or promotes to the Services, or through the Services. This license is granted for the sole purpose of facilitating the Website to promote, distribute and promote the Services.

11.2 The User agrees that this license includes the right of the Website to make the above Content available to other companies, organizations or individuals with whom the Website has relations for the provision of organized publishing services, and to use the above Content regarding the provision of these services.

11.3 The User understands and accepts that the Website, in order to perform the required technical actions to provide the Services to the Users, may (a) transmit or distribute the User Content to various public networks and to various media, and (b) to make changes to the Content necessary for the compliance and adaptation of the above Content to the technical requirements of the connection of networks, devices, services or media. The User agrees that this license will allow the Website to perform the above operations.

11.4 The User declares and guarantees to the Website that they hava all the necessary rights and powers to grant the above license.

12. Software updates

The Software that the User uses may automatically download and install updates from time to time from the Website. These updates are designed to enhance, and further develop the Services and may take the form of bugfixes, enhanced features, new standalone software, and completely new versions. The User agrees to receive the above updates and to allow the Website to deliver them to them as part of their use of the Services.

13. Termination of the User’s relationship with the Website

13.1 These Terms and Conditions of Use will remain in effect until terminated, either by the User or by the Website as set forth below.

13.2 If the User wishes to terminate their contract with the Website, they may do so (a) by notifying the Website at any time or (b) by deactivating their accounts for all the Services they use, where this option is given from the Website. The User Notice must be sent, in writing, to the email address of the Website

13.3 The Website may at any time terminate its contract with the User, if:

(A) the User violates any of these Terms and Conditions of Use or acts in a manner that clearly demonstrates that they do not intend or may not comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use, or

(B) is required by law on the Website to do so, e.g. in case the provision of the Services to the User is or becomes illegal due to the activity of the User, or

(C) the affiliate through whom the Website offered the Services to the User has terminated its relationship with the Website, or has ceased to offer its Services to the User, or

(D) the Website has decided not to provide its Services to Users in the country in which the User resides or from which it uses the Services, or

(E) the provision of the Services to the User by the Website is, in the view of the Website, no longer commercially feasible.

14. Exclusion of Warranties

14.1 The Services are provided “as is” and the Website does not provide any guarantee to the User regarding them.

14.2 In particular, the Website does not guarantee that:

(A) the use of the Services by the User will meet their requirements,

(B) the use of the Services by the User shall be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free;

(C) any information obtained by the User as a result of their use of the Services will be accurate or reliable, and

(D) Defects in the operation or functionality of any Software provided to the User as part of the Services will be corrected.

14.3 No terms, warranty or other terms (including any tacit terms regarding satisfactory quality, suitability for purpose or compliance with the description) apply to the Services beyond the scope expressly set forth in these Terms and Conditions of Use.

15. Limitation of Liability

15.1 Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use shall exclude or limit the Website liability for losses which may not be lawfully excluded or limited under applicable law.

15.2 Without prejudice to the general provision of paragraph 15.1, the Website, its affiliates, affiliated companies and licensors are not liable to the User for:

(A) any indirect or incidental loss which they may suffer. This includes any loss of profit (either direct or indirect), any loss of customer or business reputation, or loss of data that may have been incurred,

(B) any loss or damage which they may have suffered as a result of:

(i) the User ‘s confidence in the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertisement, or as a result of any relationship or transaction between the User and any advertiser or sponsor whose advertisements appear on the Services;

(ii) any changes to the Services that the Website may make or any permanent or temporary cessation of the provision of the Services, or information within the Services;

(iii) the deletion, damage, or failure to store any Content and other communications data maintained or transmitted by or through the use of the Services by the User;

iv) the inability of the User to provide accurate account information to the Website

v) the inability of the User to keep their password or account information secure and confidential

15.3 The limitations of the Website’s liability to the User in paragraph 15.2 will apply regardless of whether the Website was informed or should have been aware of the possibility that such losses may occur.

16. Copyright and industrial property policies

16.1 It is the Website’s policy to respond to allegations of copyright and industrial property infringement and to terminate infringer accounts.

16.2 In the event that your intellectual or industrial property rights are deemed to be infringed, please inform the Website by sending an e-mail to

17. Advertisements

17.1 Some of the Services may be supported by advertising resources and may present advertisements and promotions. The above advertisements may target the content of the information stored on the Services, inquiries conducted through the Services or other information.

17.2 The manner, method and extent of advertising from the Website to the Services are subject to change without specific notice to Users.

17.3 The User agrees and accepts that the Website may place the above advertisements on the Services.

18. Other content

18.1 The Services may contain links (hyperlinks) to other websites or content or resources. The Website has no control over any other website or resource provided by companies or individuals other than the Website.

18.2 The User accepts and agrees that the Website is not responsible for the availability of any such external website or source, and does not confirm the connect of any advertising, any product or other material contained or available from the above websites or sources.

18.3 The User acknowledges and agrees that the Website is not liable for any loss or damage which they may have suffered as a result of the availability of the above external websites or resources, or as a result of their confidence in the completeness, accuracy or existence of advertising; product or other material contained or available on the above websites or resources.

19. Modifications of the Terms

19.1 The Website may from time to time modify its Terms and Conditions of Use. When the above modifications are made, the Website will make available a new modified version of the Terms and Conditions of Use at and the new Terms and Conditions of Use will be notified to the User by, or through, the related Services or based on the described in paragraph 20.3.

19.2 The parties accept and agree that if the User uses the Services, after the date on which the Terms and Conditions of Use were modified, the Website will consider the above use by the User as acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions of Use.

20. Other terms

20.1 In certain cases, during the use by the User of the Services, they may (as a result of the use of the Services by, or through it) use a Service or download a piece of software, or purchase goods, provided by another person or company. The use by the User of the above other services, software or goods may be subject to special terms between the User and the Website or the person to whom they relate. In this case, these Terms and Conditions of Use do not affect the Legal relationship of the User with the above other companies or individuals.

20.2 These Terms and Conditions of Use constitute the sole agreement between the User and the Website and govern the use of the Services by the User, without prejudice to any other services that the Website may provide to the User under a separate written agreement and replace fully any prior agreements between the User and the Website regarding the Services offered.

20.3 The User agrees and accepts that the Website may provide notices, including those relating to modifications to these Terms and Conditions of Use, via email, contract mail or notices to the Services.

20.4 The User agrees and accepts that if the Website does not exercise any legal rights or remedies contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use or which the Website enjoys under any applicable law, this will not be construed as a waiver of its rights. and that the above rights or remedies will remain at their disposal.

20.5 If any court having jurisdiction over this matter deems that any of these Terms and Conditions of Use are invalid, then the other Terms and Conditions of Use will not be affected, which will remain binding on two parties.

20.6 The User accepts and agrees that each affiliate of the Website will constitute a third-party beneficiary in respect of these Terms and Conditions of Use and that such affiliates will be entitled to apply and apply directly to any of these present Terms and Conditions of Use, which grants privilege or right in their favor. Apart from the above, no other person or company will constitute a third-party beneficiary in terms of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

20.7 These Terms and Conditions of Use and the legal relationship that connects the User with the Website based on them, will be governed by Greek law. The User and the Website agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Athens in Greece for the resolution of any dispute that may arise in relation to these Terms and Conditions of Use. As an exception to the above, the User agrees and accepts that the Website reserves the right to request the imposition of precautionary measures or similar type of urgent legal assistance, as it is called, in any jurisdiction.

20.8 I agree that the information I provide as a user through advertising processes on GoLearn (Website) and other media outlets that promote ads for Golearn services may be used by GoLearn for advertising campaigns for the services and products it provides. I agree that GoLearn can contact me on the information I have submitted above advertising campaigns.

20.9 I agree that the information I have provided as a user through advertising processes on the GoLearn (Website) may be used by entities affiliated with GoLearn such as public Universities.


Some of the Services may be supported by advertising resources and may display ads and promotions. The above advertisements may target the content of the information stored on the Services, inquiries conducted through the Services or other information.

The manner, method and extent of the advertising from the Website to the Services are subject to change without specific notice to the Users.

The User agrees and accepts that the Website may place the above advertisements on the Services.

Other content

The Services may contain hyperlinks to other websites or content or resources. The Website has no control over any other website or resource provided by companies or individuals other than the Website. The User accepts and agrees that the Website is not responsible for the availability of any external source web site, and that it does not confirm the authenticity of any advertisement, any product or other material contained therein or made available by the Website.

The User acknowledges and agrees that the Website is not liable for any loss or damage that may have occurred as a result of the availability of the above external websites or resources, or as a result of his / her trust in the completeness, accuracy or existence of an ad, product or other material contained or available on the above websites or resources.


Visitors accept the use of their contact information for promotional – advertising activities.

Retention period of your personal data

The company maintains your personal data for as long as you continue to interact with the platform (as long as you are subscribed to newsletter services for promotions from our company etc)

1. Collection and processing of personal data

Transmission of data of successful candidates

For the successful candidates, the details of their applications will be forwarded to the competent academic and financial services of the University of the Aegean or the University of Peloponnese which carry out programs in collaboration with GOLEARN. The purpose of the transfer concerns the academic management of the new trainees (issuance of certificates/degrees) and the financial management of any relevant issues.

Data transmission of English exams test takers.

For those taking the PeopleCert English Certification, your data will be sent to the Certification body for the purpose of conducting the examinations you have chosen to take through GoLearn and the issuance of your results and certificate.